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Funding Objectives

On 27 January 2015 The Charity Commission approved our submission and as of that date The Durham City Freemen Charitable Trust (Registered Charity number - 1160181 ) was established as a Registered Charity.

This has paved the way to the establishment of a much more community focused approach to our charitable giving and enabled us to develop a more coherent support strategy for the local community.

The Charitable Trust, is the charitable giving arm of the Freemen, that support local organisations and communities.

There are two main objectives to the work of the Charitable Trust:

1. Supporting Charities, Community Groups and Worthy Causes

A feature of the Freemen's history has been it's benevolence, supporting those who had fallen on hard times and more lately, supporting groups whose work often goes unnoticed. The Charitable Trust continues to uphold the heritage of the Freemen by maintaining this important role, particularly vital in these challenging times for the most vulnerable in our local community.

2. Craft Training and Education

The historic Guilds of Durham City to which the Freemen are members, are based on crafts and trades which were established over 500 years ago.  A function of the their original Charter was to set and maintain standards, reinforced by the training of craft apprentices.

The charity seeks to support apprenticeships and recognise excellence and achievement in craft training which has historically been a cornerstone of the Durham City Guilds.

Funding by the Freemen will be considered for projects which:

Support Charities, Community Groups and Worthy Causes.
Highlight excellence and training in craft trades.
Promote the City of Durham.
Are geographically located within the traditional administrative boundaries of the City.

If Freemen or members of the local community are aware of organisations or projects that may be appropriate for support by the Charitable Trust, please contact:

John Booth (Secretary to the Charitable Trust).